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Why Veganism?

Jan 22, 2022

The forbidden "V" word.

The word that confuses and scares people. The word that some of us are attacked for being or simply talking about. Yes, you guessed it...VEGAN.  Why does this word or way of living seem so far off yet it's gaining popularity all over the world? Although it can seem like a weird and impossible idea, it turns out that we are actually not meant to eat animal products, especially every day, multiple times a day. Learn more here. This is one reason why our country is unbelievably unhealthy and on pills to survive. People take pills so that they can keep eating the wrong food; fueling the pharmaceutical industry, disgusting slaughterhouses where workers have PTSD and mental issues from murdering animals all day long. Read up on this topic here.

We're actually not meant to drink breast milk from another species.

It has been linked to prostate cancer, breast cancer, and more. Both of my fathers ended up with the two cancers listed. They both drank cow's breast milk every day for decades. We are not baby cows, it is not meant for our bodies. Studies even now show that it's not good for our bones and can actually increase the risk of fractures. What's exciting is that several dairy farmers around the world are switching to growing plants that don't require hurting animals. (Stabbing a pig is just like stabbing a dog. If someone stabs a dog with a knife, that is animal abuse and they will go to jail. But if the sentient creature who feels love, pain, and fear just like dogs, looks a little different...then injuring it is OK. It doesn't make any sense and is unfair.)

It's called Speciesism.

Honestly whenever I see meat, all I see is dog meat. A being that wanted to live and snuggle. Yes, pigs like to snuggle when they're treated with love and respect like dogs and they really love getting belly rubs! Did you know that they're also smarter than dogs and can learn their names when they're babies?

Don't worry everyone, this "V" word shouldn't be so feared.

It's a wonderful lifestyle to live, is easier than you think (it's only going to get easier too with more companies adding vegan products), and it's unbelievably delicious. Turns out we're actually born vegan. Hear me out. If you put a child in a room with a chicken and an apple; they will play with the chicken and eat the apple. Most baby's and children's reactions to animals is to love them and show them kindness. If we were meant to eat meat, they would run over and bite the chicken in the neck if they were hungry. Now if they did that, we would put them in a mental institution. Think about this too; early signs of potential murderers are children and teens who hurt figure that one out!

Think about it, if we were meant to eat the flesh of animals, why exactly is it that watching an animal be hung upside down, stabbed in the neck, blood gushing out as they fight to survive, and legs cut off absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking for most people? Why do we hide these videos and experiences from our children? Surely if this is a natural thing, it shouldn't bother anyone, not even our children. Some people think that the few little "sharp" teeth we have makes us meat eaters. Actually, most of our teeth are flat and square, the shape of herbivore teeth.

Humans have to cook and season meat so that it's far from what it really is; rotting, smelly, carcass flesh.

We wouldn't absolutely have to change it up so much if we were truly meant to eat it. Our intestines are also extremely long; meat eaters have short intestines so as to get the corpses out of their bodies as quickly as possible. It stays in our systems for too long, causing health issues like heart disease, some cancers, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. You can get all of the nutrients you need from a plant-based diet. Plants have protein and so much more. It can take just one person to help show others that there is another way, whether people adjust slightly or all the way, so please spread the word. People's bodies, billions of animals, and our planet will thank you.


Top 10 Must-Have Vegan Products
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Why Vegans Don't Eat Fish
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If I had a dime for every time someone asked if I still eat fish even though I'm vegan, I'd be rich! No, I don't eat slimy things with a face. I don't eat anything with a face. Fish feel pain and fear. Imagine being ripped from your home by a giant and then you slowly suffocate to death. How terrifying! I'll stick with my plant-based fish.
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